Use "could hardly make ends meet|can hardly make end meet" in a sentence

1. They could hardly make both ends meet and their debts were piling up.

2. We are unable to can make both ends meet.

3. With high inflation, few can make both ends meet.

4. He's barely able to can make both ends meet.

5. I figured that we could make both ends meet this month.

6. She scarcely earns enough money to make ends meet.

7. We could make plans to meet.

8. We're cutting and contriving to make both ends meet.

9. He bootlegged,sold drugs and shoplifted to make ends meet.

10. We have to spend less to make both ends meet.

11. It was impossible for the family to make both ends meet.

12. He's trying to make ends meet for his cut in welfare.

13. Jingyuan County in the early living wage to make ends meet.

14. Victor : I will have to start moonlighting to make both ends meet.

15. Instead, she tries to make ends meet as an honest street vendor.

16. 26 Her parents were struggling to make ends meet while rearing six children.

17. It was so foggy that the driver could hardly make out the way ahead.

18. Statistics on unemployment levels hardly make for scintillating reading.

19. They struggle to make ends meet, with both parents having no choice but to work.

20. Bucketing is a saving method that may help you make ends meet during this pandemic

21. Bucketing is a saving method that may help you make ends meet during this pandemic.

22. To make ends meet, he now works as a dishwasher and kitchen helper whenever possible.

23. To make ends meet, and against his better judgement, he takes a job as a Croupier

24. To make ends meet, she works for a travel company and makes dumplings for a cafeteria.

25. To make ends meet, and against his better judgement, he takes a job as a Croupier

26. This method keeps economic information in marginal cost method and benefits to make both ends meet.

27. It'll hardly make up for the financial losses I've suffered.

28. Mom could hardly swallow.

29. Even with a pared - down budget, they will have trouble to make both ends meet this year.

30. Being out of work and having two young children, they found it impossible to make ends meet.

31. The reason why our country is wrecked with problems... and people can barely make ends meet... is because of people like you!

32. I know you lost your father and that you and your brother struggle to make ends meet.

33. Meet and make friends with other Couples!

34. She could hardly keep from laughing.

35. He could hardly suppress his surprise.

36. He could hardly contain his fury.

37. Could hardly escape the little tulip.

38. He could hardly repress his tears.

39. Make one's Acquaintance definition is - to meet someone

40. During the last few weeks they have been Cudgelling their brains to find out how to make ends meet.

41. Jezrael could hardly believe such extravagance.

42. He could hardly be more circumscribed.

43. Life’s a Gamble Jack Manfred is an aspiring writer who to make ends meet, takes a job as a Croupier

44. Make sure that your images meet the size requirements.

45. Your farfetched explanation could hardly convince anybody.

46. How could the two teams of tunnelers, digging from opposite ends, manage to meet?

47. Mary could hardly get through to Jack.

48. I could hardly read her childish scrawl.

49. The ends of my waistcoat won't meet.

50. But she could hardly get down a morsel.

51. I hardly had any food in the house so I just had to make do.

52. I can hardly see the signs.

53. The animal hardly makes any movement, hardly use any energy, and hardly needs rood.

54. They can hardly be surprised when others make use of this representation rather than the narrower and more qualified one.

55. His frail hands could hardly hold a cup.

56. So they can hardly be bypassed.

57. He can hardly afford an apartment.

58. And you have a problem making ends meet.

59. The animal hardly makes any movement, hardly use any energy, and hardly needs any rood.

60. Every time you " meet, " someone ends up dead.

61. There is hardly any rain, hardly any wind.

62. He could hardly veil his contempt at my ignorance.

63. His breathing was laboured, and he could hardly speak.

64. Our permanent make-up devices meet all European Union quality standards.

65. But you could hardly walk just after your operation.

66. The car could hardly get along on the slope.

67. I can hardly wait until this summer.

68. He could hardly summon the strength to stand up.

69. My fingers were so numb I could hardly write.

70. She spoke so quietly I could hardly hear her.

71. My eyes were so swollen I could hardly see.

72. I can hardly walk, much less run.

73. He could hardly repress a smile at her simplicity.

74. Heartrending, Rob thought; he could hardly bear to look.

75. Yet with all his hard work and, definitely, hers, too, he seemed hardly to make a living.

76. The Earl Besch Project supports a host of needs (food, clothing, services) for Camp Hill families who are struggling to make ends meet so

77. Her worldly success can hardly be denied.

78. 26 Perry's agitation was so great he could hardly speak.

79. We were barely making ends meet as it was.

80. I can hardly imagine such a scene.